Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Task 4 Analysis Grid 2: The Black Keys - Tighten Up

Q1 Why did you choose the text you are analysing : 
I love the music video for this song and because their a great band that always make me happy when i listen to them and they make great music and music videos.

Q2 In what context did you encounter it : 
I heard one of their songs on a T.V advert and decided to search for them on iTunes and i bought their album and started to listen to them.

Q3 What influence do you think this context might have had on your interpretation of the text :
When i first heard the song it was without the music video and it made me feel happy and energetic, then when i saw the music video it made me laugh and understand the song more. 

Q4 What conventions of the genre do you recognise in the text :

  • Multiple People ( Band & Public/Actors )
  • Outside ( Rural Area )
  • Multiple Angles
  • Multiple Shots
  • Wide Shots, Close Ups, Mid Shots 
  • Dancing
  • Comedy

Q5 To what extent does this text stretch the conventions of its genre : 
Normally music videos don't have comedy or dialogue in them so its breaking the conventions of the average music video by putting dialogue and comedy int the video, and they stop the music for the dialogue some times so you can hear what there saying which is strange considering you are watching it to listen to the music.

Q6 Where and why does the text depart from the conventions of the genre :
It breaks the music conventions because you watch the video to get the back story on the music or because its a great song and you want to listen to the music as well as watching it but they stop the music at certain points to let the dialogue or sound effects be heard  

Q7 What sought of audience do you think the video is aimed at and how typical was this of the genre/ style of music : 
I think the genre is aimed at 16+ (Teenagers and above) because of the language they use and the comedy involved in the music video, also because of the lyrics tho the song that you will only really start to understand when you are 16.

Q8 What sought of person does it assume you are : 
It assumes you are a happy and energetic person who likes comedy and comedy in music, it also assumes that you are a fun person too. 

Q9 What assumptions seem to be made about your class, age, gender and ethnicity : 
There are no real assumptions made apart from that you believe in love which is what the music video is based around and that you have felt it before or you thought you have.  

Q10 What interests does it assume you have :
It assumes you have an interests in music comedy and women and that you also like to watch music videos with the band in them. 

Q11 What relevance does the text actually have for you :
I have no real relevance to the text because nothing like that has ever happened to me in my life/ i have never done that in my life. 

Q12 What knowledge does it take for granted :
It takes for granted that everyone believes in love and that as a child we would do almost anything for a girl when really as a child we wouldn't do anything for a girl.
Q13 To what extent do you resemble the 'ideal reader' that the video seeks to position you as : 
I like comedy and the music so the music video made me laugh and want to watch it again because it was combination of comedy and music which is always good. 

Q14 Are there any noticeable shifts in the musics style :
No they keep to the same genre throughout the video and they don't change the main characters in the music video ether.   

Q15 What responce does the video seem to exspect from you : 
They expect you to laugh and smile at the music video but they also expect you to also relate to the video in some way. 

Q16 How open to negotiation is your response : 
Its a pretty closed response if you don't like the type of music and how they have made it comedic  but then you can have a pretty open response to the music video if you like their music as well as comedy.  

Q17 Is there any penalty for not responding in the expected way :
Yes, if you don't like the music and the comedy you wont want to watch the video and you will only want to listen to the song or if you like the music but don't like the comedy in the video you might not want to listen to just the song because you think it will have the dialogue in it and it will ruin the song when it doesn't have that in it. 

Q18 To wat extent do you find yourself 'reading against the grain' of the text and the genre :
I find myself reading against it because i don't have a son and as a child i never did that and now as a young adult i wouldn't go to that existent of fighting with a friend over a woman we just met. 

Q19 How typical do you think this video is of a music video : 
I dont think its as a very typical music video because of the comedy involved and the dialogue used as well as the sound effects so i think that it is a very un-typical music video.

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